<...የዘር ፖለቲካው አደገኛ ነው የሚባለው አማራው በአማራነቴ ልደራጅ ሲል መሆን የለበትም። አማራው ወኪል አልባ ሆኖ መቀጠል የለበትም የተከፈተበትን የዘር ማጥፋት ለመከላከል ከሌላው ወገኑ ጋር ተባብሮ ለመኖር እንጂ አማራን ለመገንጠል የሚባለው ሀሰት ነው …> አክቲቪስት አቻምየለህ ታምሩ አማራ መደራጀት ያለበትን ምክንያት ከአክቲቪስት ሙሉነህ ዮሐንስ ጋር የተደረገ ቃለ መጠይቅ
<… ሕወሓት ተግባራዊ ያደረገው የዘር ፖለቲካ ለኢትዮጵያ ችግር ነው። ዛሬ ባለው ሁኔታ መደራጀት ቢያስፈልግ እሱ ላይ መነጋገር መስማማት ያስፈልጋል ትላንት የነበረው ሁኔታ ዛሬ ካለው ጋር ተለይቶ መታየት ካለበት መታየት አለበት ለኔ ግን ሰዎች በብሄርም እንደራጅ ቢሉ ችግር የለብንም አልቃወምም ጠቃሚ ግን አይመስለኝም …> አክቲቪስት ሙሉነህ ዮሐንስ ከአቻምየለህ ጋር በጋራ ከሰጠን ቃለ መጠይቅ
ህብር ሬድዮን በህብር ሬዲዮ ድህረ ገጽ ወይም በቀጥታ በስልክ ለማዳመጥ 712 -432-8451 መደወል ብቻ በቂ ነው በእንግሊዝ ለምትኖሩ በ01405770140 በስልክ ማዳመጥ ይቻላል። ዘወትር በድህረ ገጻችን፣ ከ googel app store Hiber Radio ወደ ስልክዎ በመጫን ካልሆነም በዘሐበሻ እንዲሁም በተጠቀሱት ስልኮች ማዳመጥ ይቻላል።
Dear Hiber Radio, I was listening your program today interviewing Muluneh Yohanis and Achamyeleh Tamiru about the organizing Amhara organization.
I was saddened about this situation. Amhara was the strong behair advocating one Ethiopia and even Oromo who was part of the dismantling of Ethiopia start coming back to believe one Ethiopia.
Why on earth they want to create an organization now?
Is it not jib kehede wusha chohe?
Please stay strong and being roll model.
In recent memory, kemant wants to use the self rule policy that was going on for the last 25 yrs but it did turn out to be bloody. The idea was opposed by most Amhara and Kemant due to the brotherly/sisterly friendship and we shouldn’t separate.
I agree but now the Amhara is organizing what are we thinking about the Kimant who they think the are friends with Amhara?
why don’t we organize ourselves by Gondar, Gojam..etc.?
I don’t think it is a good idea for our family who has to live together.
I am from Gondar and I know how Amhara and Kimant live together. Now, this being organizing Ahmara mean oppressing and dominating the smaller number Kimant.
This is not a good idea!!!!
I hope you read this and bring to the people who is organizing this.
Thank you, Abebech